Home   >   Recipes by Category   >   Breakfast   >   Pam's Zucchini Pancakes
Pam has served these savory pancakes in her home for as long as she can remember. When her son Isaiah started the diet almost a decade ago, she worked on perfecting this recipe so that she could add in a vegetable to balance out the almond flour. It is also a nice alternative to sweeter, fruit-based pancakes.


2 zucchinis, washed and ends removed
2 eggs
½ cup (55 g) almond flour
salt and black pepper to taste
ghee for frying
optional: chipotle pepper for sprinkling


1. Grate the zucchini and allow to rest in a strainer/colander for 5-10 minutes
2. Drain of any excess moisture/ water you get after grating by pressing down on zucchini and throwing away excess liquid that comes out
3. Put grated zucchini into a mixing bowl
4. Next, mix the eggs and almond flour into the grated zucchini
5. Heat a stovetop pan to low-medium heat, and add in ghee for cooking the pancakes (if possible, use a pancake or griddle pan to make this recipe)
6. Drop in the pancake batter into small circles, and let cook on one side for 3-4 minutes
7. When cooked through on that side, flip to the other side for 3-4 more minutes, or until golden-brown
8. Sparingly sprinkle with chipotle pepper, if desired


10-12 mini pancakes

This recipe originally appeared in the cookbook section of The SCD for Autism and ADHD by Pamela Ferro & Raman Prasad.

The SCD for Autism & ADHD: (Cookbook Section) by Pamela Ferro & Raman Prasad is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0