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The treatment of celiac disease with the specific carbohydrate diet; report on 191 additional cases. - April 1, 1955

Haas S.V., Haas M.P. "The treatment of celiac disease with the specific carbohydrate diet; report on 191 additional cases." The American journal of gastroenterology 23.4 (1955): 344-60.


In 1950, we reported on 603 cases of celiac disease treated by us in private practice. During the three-year period following that report, we observed 213 additional cases long enough and closely enough to draw further conclusions concerning the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and clinical course under therapy of this disease. Of these, 22 were still open and under active treatment when the data for this paper were compiled. The remaining 191 have been followed-up after discharge with sufficient care and over a sufficiently lengthy period of time to warrant evaluation of total progress and outcome. Neither the data nor the conclusions reported here will deal with 64 cases which were seen by us only a few times in consultation or 127 cases which remained under our direct treatment and observation so briefly that their consideration in a scientific report is unjustified.