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SCD mention in Seattle Times: Health & Fitness

April 2, 2014
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The Specific Carbohydrate Diet got a mention in the Health & Fitness section of the award-winning Seattle Times. Below is the letter written in to the columnists from an SCD caregiver.
Originally published Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 6:16 AM

Q: My husband has had Crohn’s disease since he was 17, and he’s now 48. Fourteen years ago, just before our first child was born, he was in the hospital with a bad flare-up and was very close to surgery.

As he was recovering, the doctors wanted to put him on lifetime steroid meds. He didn’t want to go that route and did some research. He discovered the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), which would change his life forever.

His gas production significantly decreased within a day or two on the diet. He’s been med-free and has had no flare-ups ever since (14 years!).

The diet is very demanding. You essentially cut out all grains, even foods like soy and rice, and all forms of sugar except honey. I use a lot of almond flour in cooking. And yes, he eats a lot of coconut through macaroons and other baked goods I make. For my husband, the diet is not a cure for Crohn’s, but it keeps the disease in check.

A: Thank you for sharing this amazing story. A recent article in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (January 2014) offers a case series in which the SCD approach improved symptoms and lab results.

We have heard from dozens of readers that coconut can be helpful in controlling hard-to-manage diarrhea.